Manlius Fire Department Bunk-In Program:
The Manlius Fire Department hosts a Bunk-In Program for students enrolled in a college or university in Onondaga County or its contiguous counties. In return for living at our fire station, the students work regular duty shifts to help maintain the fire station and apparatus. In addition, they respond to emergency calls as a firefighter and/or EMT to help protect the lives and property of the residents of the Manlius Fire Protection District and our Mutual and Automatic Aid Districts.
This program helps the Manlius Fire Department keep our facilities and apparatus well maintained as well as help our overall staffing to ensure rapid responses to emergency calls. The students have the opportunity to apply what they learn academically while responding to emergency calls. In addition, they become part of our family and gain independence, experience, and proficiency in fire and emergency medical services that they can take with them as they work toward a career in Emergency Services and/or healthcare.
The Bunk-In Program is governed by a Bunk-In Committee, Program Coordinator and Chiefs of the Manlius Fire Department. We believe we have a commitment to the Emergency Services community to work to train, develop and otherwise encourage the Fire and Emergency Service Responders of today and tomorrow.
If you are a good student, hard worker, and an independent and responsible individual with a passion and interest in pursuing a career in Fire and Emergency Services, we may have a place for you in our family. For more information, please feel free to contact us at
Information on the Manlius Fire Department
The Manlius Fire Department is located in the State of New York, on the east side of the County of Onondaga. The department was organized in 1813 as a volunteer fire department for the purpose of providing fire protection. In 1984 the Village of Manlius Fire Department hired its first career personnel and became a combination department. We run over 650 Fire and 1,450 EMS calls each year.
The Manlius Fire Department is organized to save lives, suppress and control fires, provide emergency medical services, provide fire prevention education, hazardous materials response, water/ice rescue, public assistance during natural emergencies and other activities as deemed in the best interest of the fire department or the citizens of our community.
Membership of the fire department is comprised of active volunteer and career (Fulltime and Part-time) personnel. Active membership is divided into Interior Firefighters, Scene Support Operations (exterior firefighters), Fire Police and/or Emergency Medical personnel. The total active membership averages 60 volunteer members, Full time Staff and part-time staff.
Currently operating out of one fire station, the department operates one Truck, two Engines, one Brush Truck, one Water Tender, one Squad, one UTV, one Paramedic Response vehicle and two Advanced Life Support Ambulances.
It is the commitment of this department to provide, to the best of our ability: a safe operation, prevent accidents, illness, fatalities, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
What are the Requirements to be Part of the Bunk-In Program?
- Student candidate shall be a minimum of 18 years of age.
- Student must go through application and interview process.
- Student shall be a full-time, matriculated student in the Upstate Medical University Paramedic Program, OCC Fire Protection Technology Program or other Fire/Medical program in an accredited college or university in Onondaga County or contiguous county.
- Students in a Fire-related program shall be an active member of a recognized volunteer fire department in New York State and outside of Onondaga County, New York.
- Students in a Fire Protection Program must obtain the Interior Structural Fire Fighter status within one year of entry into the program and shall maintain this status while participating in the program.
- Students in a medical-related program must obtain an EMT card within one year of entry and shall maintain this status while participating in the program.
- Student will be required to enter into a written contract with the Manlius Fire Department.
- Student shall maintain or exceed the academic averages required by the college or university to maintain full-time enrollment.